Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Harvard Pride

I found it particularly interesting that President Obama would appeal to college students for the next election through writing directly to them. I think the political sphere can sometimes get lost in academia unless students themselves are addressed. I think the idea that Obama plays with, the “Know Before You Owe” sheets, would help the financial crisis by educating the next generation of voters. Obama does not over impose his political beliefs here- they are alluded to more than expressed- “it’s been so disappointing to see Republicans in Congress block jobs bills from going forward”, but he does state that he will boldly act if Congress won’t.
I’m not well versed in matters of The Harvard Crimson, but I thought it was striking that the president is appealing to his alma mater in regards to their significance as a voting base, and also as a manner of personally getting out his sentiments regarding his intended political action and his personal battle with college loan debt. He harps upon the importance of an education even in this fiscal climate, by qualifying the pursuit and investment of education as “[believing] in the future of America”. He also links the personal battle of stripping part of paychecks for debt to the collective economic crisis facing the nation and how painful its influence is felt in the economy. The personal style invoked here speaks particularly to the desired votes and also the environment in which students may feel more comfortable being spoken to.

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